What is a Resolution?

Resolutions set forth background information and propose a course of action or statement of policy.  Resolutions begin with background information ("Whereas" clause/s) and conclude with a specific proposal ("Resolved" clause/s). Please refer to the Resolutions Resources section on the Chapter's website for more information.

The Whereas
Whereas statement(s) should provide the rationale and background for the resolution. There may be one or more "whereas" statements. Begin by introducing the topic of the resolution.

  • Tip: Be factual rather than speculative. Provide or reference statistics or resources wherever possible.

The Resolved
Resolved clause(s) should be stated as a motion that can be understood without the accompanying whereas statements. There may be multiple resolve clauses.

  • General Resolutions Tip: Emphasize a course of action for the Board of Directors, a committee/task force, National ACP, MSSNY, or the AMA. Each resolved statement must stand as a complete sentence.
  • By Laws Amendment Tip: Be sure to specify an Article and Section to be amended.

Need Further Assistance? Contact Loretta Ponesse, CAE, NYACP Executive Director at lponesse@nyacp.org or call (518) 427-0366.

Title: *
Submitted By: *
Whereas: *
Therefore be it resolved: *
Fiscal Note: *
Your Phone: *
Your email:

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