Abstract submissions will open soon!
Saturday, October 11, 2025
Crowne Plaza Albany - The Desmond Hotel
660 Albany Shaker Rd
Albany, NY
Abstract Submissions are now open! Submissions for the 2025 will be accepted until July 11, 2025.
How to Prepare GREAT Abstract and Poster Presentations
NYACP Key Points in Submitting a Successful Abstract
ACP Tips for Writing Abstracts
For questions, call the Chapter office at (518) 427-0366.
If you have worked on a research project or have an interesting clinical case, submit your abstract for a chance to present it live to a team of judge at the NYACP Annual Scientific Meeting Poster Competition on Saturday, October 11, 2025 in Albany, NY!
Abstracts being accepted in the following categories:
Residents/Fellows and Medical Students will be combined in the following category:
If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to present your poster to a team of judges on Saturday, October 26th at the Annual Scientific Meeting Poster Competition. The first place poster presentation winners in each category will receive a spot in ACP's National Competition in April 2026!
Your Program/Clerkship Directors will be notified of abstract competition results. NYACP staff WILL NOT notify individuals of the results.
1. You must have an ACP member number to be eligible to submit. Sign up for ACP Membership here.
2. You must be an ACP Resident member and enrolled in Internal Medicine Residency or Fellowship Training program within New York State; or you must be a Medical Student member and currently enrolled as a student at a New York State approved Medical or Osteopathic School with a rotation through a hospital in New York State.
3. Have your Program Director/Clerkship Director review your abstract and complete a Program Director Authorization Form. This will ensure that your abstract is supported by your Program Director and is in correct and acceptable formatting and language. There is a 450 word limit per abstract.
4. Submit a Processing fee: There is a $30.00 processing fee for each abstract submitted. This fee is payable by credit card, check or money order
5. Submit your abstract. A link to submit your abstract is provided in the description after successfully submitting the processing fee. Please look for the link in the thank you message that appears after you submit your credit card information.
After payment is submitted, you will immediately receive a follow up screen with a link to submit your abstract.
Please Note: You must submit your abstract one at time of payment. If you close the browser after you paid, you may lose access to submit your abstract.
You must enter the following information exactly as it appears on your credit card billing statement or it will be declined: name, complete billing address including zip code and card information. If you are using someone else’s credit card, please make sure to identify the cardholder on the form. Once your credit card is accepted, you can submit your abstract. Each abstract has a $30 submission fee. declines after two times, then you can submit a check.
You can send a check or money order, made payable to the NY Chapter ACP and mail it to: NYACP, PO Box 38237, Albany, NY 12203. Once your payment is received we will then send you a link to submit your abstract.
Up to 2 abstracts may be submitted, both require the $30 processing fee. A maximum of 2 Abstracts (regardless of category) may be submitted per person.
NO edits are allowed on submitted abstracts. Please be sure that all errors are corrected before submitting. And your program director has reviewed and approved your abstract.
If you make an error on your abstract you may submit a revision but a separate $30 processing fee is required for the new submission and this will be considered as two abstract entries, however, we will replace the first abstract with the second entry.
Physicians - Volunteer as an Abstract Reviewer/Poster Judge
If you have any questions, please contact Karen Tucker LaBello at (518) 427-0366 or email: klabello@nyacp.org