NYS Pain Course Requirement – A Mandate for All Prescribers
Chapter 71 of the Laws of 2016
New York has mandated that by July 1, 2017, every person licensed under Title Eight of the Education Law (physicians and other health professionals) and registered under the Federal Controlled Substances act and in possession of a DEA registration number, and every medical resident who is prescribing under a facility DEA registration number shall complete three hours of course work or training in eight clinical areas related to pain management, palliative care, and addiction as approved by the Department of Health. This training MUST be completed on or before July 1 an then again once within each three year period thereafter.
Specific elements contained within the NYS Department of Health 3 hour educational course mandate:
- State and Federal laws on the prescribing of controlled substances
- Pain Management
- Appropriate Prescribing
- Managing Acute Pain
- Palliative Medicine
- Prevention/Screening/Signs of Addiction
- Responses to Abuse and Addiction
- End of Life Care
The Chapter’s three hour, online course will be launched shortly and will be available free of charge to all physicians and other allied health practitioners. Watch for announcements shortly with a link to satisfy the State’s 3 hour course requirement.
Excerpt of Chapter 71 • Full Chapter 71 Laws of 2016